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Ксолоитцкуитнле ? ¿Verdad?

27 June 2024

What’s the most popular dog in Russia? Samoyed? Borzoi? Siberian husky?


While a puppy may cost up to 120,000 rubles (about 1400 US$ or 25000 Pesos), in Russia Xoloitzcuintle chose you. According to Sixto Langarica, the acknowledged expert on the native “Mexican hairless”, Russians are only second to Mexico in the number of Xoloitzcuintle breeders and human companions. And ahead of Mexico when it comes to showing them off at dog shows.

No one is quite sure why… native to Colima, they aren’t exactly fit for Russian winters, but we’re assured that with a doggie sweater, they may not be chasing musk ox through the wilds of Siberia, but apparently do ok outdoors playing around.

As far as anyone knows, although Mexican and Russia have had trading and political ties since the 1890s, the Russian Xolos are heirs to an earlier Xolo diaspora, living in Cuba and having come to the old Soviet Union as a “tropical” and “exotic” sort of dog, but — given their relatively small size, friendly nature, and … well… not shedding all over the furniture…have only increased in popularity.

“We cannot allow a Xoloitzcuintle gap!”

Xoloitzcuintle, el perro endémico de Colima (Archivo Digital Colima, 8 August 2022)

Xoloitzcuintles saturan Rusia; apunto de ser el perro favorito de ese país, (Mexico Disconocido)

Ксолоитцкуитнле Россия (youtube channel)

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