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Not my first choice, but…

5 February 2014

Not bad.  Mexico is becoming more like the U.S. (and not in a good way) with speculation about the next administration coming earlier and earlier.  Peña Nieto is only a year into a six year term.

Latin American Herald Tribune (Caracas):

Former Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard said in an interview with Efe that it was time to “change the ship’s course” because the policies implemented in Mexico over the past 20 years have failed, opening the way for the left to get a real shot at power in 2018.


“I am preparing myself so I can be one of the left’s options in the year 2018 on the basis of what we did in the government (of Mexico City),” Ebrard said.

A future leftist government in Mexico should follow the example of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, who sent a man to the moon, and set a “great national goal,” focusing on education, health care, tax reform, technological innovation or youth policy, the politician said.

Ebrard, who is the leader of one of the factions within the Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD, and served as Mexico City’s mayor from 2006 to 2011, said he demonstrated the effectiveness of his policies in the capital.

“We already did it in Mexico City and we did it well. I honestly believe they were good administrations. Mexico City is very hard to govern because you have big citizen participation. I do not see why you couldn’t do it at the national level,” the politician said.

“In the country, in the past six, seven years, the violence rose about 45 percent. In Mexico City, the violence fell by the same proportion. It’s a very interesting thing. The country went up, the city went down. It means that if we used similar policies, we could expect the same results in other cities,” Ebrard said.

I expect I’ll be a Mexican voter by 2018, probably by 2015.


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