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From each according to his ability, to each according to his need

19 August 2014

Even some billionaires bazillionaires understand that what people need is just the ability to acquire the tools of survival.  I always thought Slim got a raw deal in the media here in Mexico because he’s a rival to the powerful (and PRI-connected) Azucarraga clan that owns Televisa, and in the U.S. just because he has the temerity to be richer than the gringos, and beat them at their own game.

The Carlos Slim Foundation last week launched Acceso Latino, a free website in Spanish that provides readers with information on topics such as education, health care, job training and culture.

The site also has other pertinent features, such as English online-courses and information on the federal Dream Act.

“Acceso Latino will put valuable knowledge at the fingertips of everyone who wants to learn new skills and engage with their community. It is a simple but powerful resource that can potentially help millions of people improve their lives,” Slim Helú said in a written statement.


Los Dos Carlos

Slim Helú, taking into consideration the growing Hispanic population in the U.S. and being himself the son of Lebanese immigrants in México, visualized the idea of creating the site, said Dr. Roberto Tapia-Conyer, CEO of the Carlos Slim Foundation in México, D.F.

The Mexican telecommunications tycoon wanted to create an easy-access Spanish site and, at the same time, a tool of self-improvement, Tapia-Conyer added.

“The site was designed with everyone in mind, without taking into consideration a specific country of origin, age, education or immigration status,” he said.

After 18 months in the works, the site was launched a week ago with in an easy-to-use format on different topics that concern Hispanics living in the U.S. The site also has videos that walk users through a step-by-step process.

For instance, it has online job training courses for 22 in-demand occupations in the United States. Some of the courses include training in the areas of plumbing, construction, sales and computers.


(Full story at El Paso Times, via Dallas Morning News)

(More on why this commie like Carlos Slim here).

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